Welcome to the 79th Annual Payette County Fair entry website. We have established this new entry system to make it easier for everyone to enter exhibits into the Fair. We ask that everyone refer to the Fair Book for all rules and awards. 4H & FFA members are asked to please adhere to the Code of Conduct policy and to the University of Idaho policies and procedures document #91605. If you are having trouble entering an exhibit or have any questions please contact the Fair office at 208-278-5000 or the Payette County Extension Office at 208-642-6022.

Payette County Fair Board, U of I Extension Staff, and FFA Advisors.

We are asking that all Open Class exhibits be pre-registered. The fair office is open Tuesday and Thursday's from 9:00 a.m. to noon to assist you in registering. If you have any problems registering an item or have questions please call the fair office at 208-278-5000.

FairEntry Exhibitor, Staff Sign-In

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